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Baltijos gitarų kvartetas | ''Debesų keliais''

Mo 07/07/2025 20:00
Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga
10.80 - 25.00

The XIII International M. K. Čiurlionis Music Festival presents one of the brightest guitar ensembles in the Baltic States – THE BALTIC GUITAR QUARTET.

"Four guitars – one soul" – the eloquent credo of the quartet speaks for itself. The leading guitar ensemble in the Baltic States captivates with sensitive, colorful, and subtle music-making. As musicologist Viktoras Gerulaitis points out, this collective also has another distinctive feature – a sense of humor, which, according to him, is far from common in chamber music ensembles.

The concert "Along the Cloud Paths" will combine Lithuanian musical traditions with modern arranging solutions. The timbre and harmonies of the guitars will give Čiurlionis' music a new, contemporary shade and unexpected sound. The concert will also feature works by other renowned composers – F. Latėnas, J. Švedas, E. Elgar, and Ch. Ruebens, which, along with Čiurlionis' music, will create a rich and diverse musical fabric. Each of these works will enrich the program with its unique imagery, allowing the listeners to experience how the sounds of different eras and musical styles seamlessly blend with the spirit of Čiurlionis' works and open the path for new interpretations.


Eduardas BALSYS (1919–1984)
"Meeting March" from the ballet "Eglė the Queen of Serpents"
(Arranged by Saulius S. Lipčius)

Jonas ŠVEDAS (1908–1971)
Cycle of Ten Bagatelles "Along the Meadow Path"
(Arranged by Zigmas Čepulėnas):
I. White Clover
II. Peas
III. Chamomiles
IV. Dandelions
V. Sun's Tears
VI. Little Thistles
VII. Small Buttercups
VIII. Forget-me-nots
IX. Bells
X. Rosehips

Edward ELGAR (1857–1934)
"Seviljana (Spanish Scene)", Op. 7
(Arranged by Carlo Herring)

Mikalojus Konstantinas ČIURLIONIS (1875–1911)
Three Preludes (Arranged by Zigmas Čepulėnas):
Prelude in A minor (original in F-sharp minor)
Prelude in B minor
Prelude in D minor

Mindaugas STUMBRAS (b. 1996)

Faustas LATĖNAS (1956–2020)
String Quartet No. 2 "For the Bright Memory"
(Arranged by Saulius S. Lipčius)

Chris RUEBENS (b. 1975)
"Three Ukulele Dances"
"Slow Dance"
"In That Moment"
"Rich inta ma barra! "


The Baltic Guitar Quartet was formed in 2004 by young and talented classical guitar performers. The quartet members are Zigmas Čepulėnas, Sergej Krinicin, Saulius S. Lipčius, and Chris Ruebens. The ensemble is appreciated by local classical music enthusiasts and is presented abroad as a leading guitar ensemble in the Baltic States. The guitarists' concert list includes over 25 countries worldwide and prestigious concert halls, including Japan, Russia, China, Austria, Denmark, the famous Berlin Philharmonie, the Royal Castle in Warsaw, and London’s Southbank Centre. The quartet members are laureates of various competitions, active performers, and their music-making is sensitive, colorful, and subtle, yet unpretentious. The quartet deepened its knowledge of the subtleties of chamber music by studying with violinist and former long-time member of the State Vilnius String Quartet, Professor Petras Kuncas. They have also improved their skills with world-renowned musicians and ensembles, including the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet, Oscar Ghiglia, Pepe Romero, Roland Dyens, David Russell, Laura Young, and the Bandini Chiacchiaretta duo.

Learn more about the Baltic Guitar Quartet: www.bgq.lt/apie-mus

The XIII International M. K. Čiurlionis Music Festival is part of the anniversary program "Čiurlionis 150".

The festival is organized by the public institution "Klasika LT".


By purchasing a ticket to the concert, you agree that the event may be photographed and/or filmed, and the visual materials may be published on the "Klasika LT" website, social media, or in the media.

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Baltijos gitarų kvartetas | ''Debesų keliais'' Mo 07/07/2025 20:00 Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga 10.80 - 25.00
Event Baltijos gitarų kvartetas | ''Debesų keliais''
Date / Time Mo 07/07/2025 20:00
Venue Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga
Price 10.80 - 25.00
Good to know
Perkant 10 ir daugiau bilietų galite kreiptis: vipklientai@bilietai.lt

Durys atidaromos: ~19:00
Renginio trukmė: ~1:30
Pertraukos: nėra
Renginio kalba: lietuvių
Vaikai įleidžiami nemokamai: iki 6 metų amžiaus imtinai, neužimant papildomos vietos (renginio vietoje pateikti amžių įrodantį dokumentą)
Amžiaus cenzas: N-5
- studentams, moksleiviams, senjorams ir asmenims su negalia 1 bilietui (kontrolės metu pateikti nuolaidą įrodantį dokumentą)
- su palangiškio kortele 1 bilietui (kontrolės metu pateikti nuolaidą įrodantį dokumentą)

The event organiser takes responsibility for the event and its quality. In the event of cancellation or postponement of the event, the organiser is responsible for deciding on the return of tickets and refunds and is liable for refunds and damages. Tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable (including non-attendance).
The ticket distributor is acting only as an independent agent and is not liable for refunds or damages. Refunds must be requested from the event organiser. For more information on ticket refunds, please refer to the "Consumer Policy" here.
Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė
Grafų Tiškevičių al. 1 Palanga Lithuania
Klasika LT, VšĮ
Šeimyniškių g. 42-20, Vilnius
apramogos@gmail.com / +37063970702
Reg. no: 302857888
Event Baltijos gitarų kvartetas | ''Debesų keliais''
Date / Time Mo 07/07/2025 20:00
Venue Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga
Price 10.80 - 25.00
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