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(Kaunas) Vivaldi ''Metų laikai'' - bajano virtuozas iš Ukrainos Yevgenii Musijets

Th 20/03/2025 19:00
Kauno menininkų namai, Kaunas
10.00 - 15.00

(Kaunas) Vivaldi “The Four Seasons” – Bayan Virtuoso from Ukraine Yevgenii Musiyets

Fifth-generation bayan virtuoso from Ukraine, Yevgenii Musiyets, invites you to hear one of the most famous works in history — the musical masterpiece “The Four Seasons” by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi. This piece is of exceptional beauty, and when the Ukrainian musician performs this music virtuously on the bayan, new shades are revealed, leaving the audience always amazed and inspired.

We are waiting for you on March 20, 19:00 at Kaunas Artists' House (V. Putvinskio g. 56, Kaunas)

Tickets are available at Bilietai.lt

Ticket price - 15 Eur, for seniors, students, schoolchildren, the disabled and those with POLA card - 10 Eur (Please present a valid ID at the entrance).

Yevgenii Musiyets (Євгеній Мусієць) is a fifth-generation bayanist. At the age of 4, he began learning to play with his grandfather, and by the age of 5, he was already performing on stage. He gave his first solo concert at the age of 7. He graduated from Uzhhorod Music College and obtained his higher education (bachelor's and master's degrees) from Mukachevo State University. He is a laureate of many national and international competitions and festivals. He recorded the compact disc “Revelation.”

Since 2017, he has been playing in the ensemble “YeS Duet,” with which he has performed in many countries across Europe and in Israel. Yevgenii is married and raises a daughter with his wife Alena. Since 2024, Yevgenii has been living in Lithuania and has received refugee status.

During the concert, photography and videography may take place, and participants may be visible in photos or videos, which can be published in publicly accessible social networks or media outlets.

Events website: http://www.orkestras.org

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
(Kaunas) Vivaldi ''Metų laikai'' - bajano virtuozas iš Ukrainos Yevgenii Musijets Th 20/03/2025 19:00 Kauno menininkų namai, Kaunas 10.00 - 15.00
Event (Kaunas) Vivaldi ''Metų laikai'' - bajano virtuozas iš Ukrainos Yevgenii Musijets
Date / Time Th 20/03/2025 19:00
Venue Kauno menininkų namai, Kaunas
Price 10.00 - 15.00
Good to know

Perkant 10 ir daugiau bilietų galite kreiptis: vipklientai@bilietai.lt

Durys atidaromos: ~18:30
Renginio trukmė: ~1:00
Pertraukos: nėra
Renginio kalba: lietuvių
Vaikai įleidžiami nemokamai: ne
Amžiaus cenzas: nėra
- studentams, moksleiviams, senjorams ir asmenims su negalia 1 bilietui (kontrolės metu pateikti nuolaidą įrodantį dokumentą);
- su Pola kortele 1 bilietui (kontrolės metu pateikti nuolaidą įrodantį dokumentą).

The event organiser takes responsibility for the event and its quality. In the event of cancellation or postponement of the event, the organiser is responsible for deciding on the return of tickets and refunds and is liable for refunds and damages. Tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable (including non-attendance).
The ticket distributor is acting only as an independent agent and is not liable for refunds or damages. Refunds must be requested from the event organiser. For more information on ticket refunds, please refer to the "Consumer Policy" here.
Kauno menininkų namai
Putvinskio gatvė 54 Kaunas Lithuania
Prabudimo orkestras, VšĮ
V. Vaitkaus g. 13-75, Vilnius
prabudimo@orkestras.org / +37063685502
Reg. no: 304559381
VAT LT100016815918
Event (Kaunas) Vivaldi ''Metų laikai'' - bajano virtuozas iš Ukrainos Yevgenii Musijets
Date / Time Th 20/03/2025 19:00
Venue Kauno menininkų namai, Kaunas
Price 10.00 - 15.00
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