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Nacionalinės M.K.Čiurlionio menų mokyklos simfoninis orkestras | ''Vainikas Čiurlioniui''

Su 06/07/2025 20:00
Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga
14.30 - 20.00

The M. K. Čiurlionis School of Arts Symphony Orchestra presents the concert program "A WREATH FOR ČIURLIONIS".

The International M. K. Čiurlionis Music Festival continues the beloved tradition of providing a stage for future music stars. The performances of the National M. K. Čiurlionis School of Arts Orchestra, led by Maestro Martynas Staškus, receive enormous acclaim and always end with standing ovations, eagerly awaited by the audience just as much as those of recognized stage stars.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of M. K. Čiurlionis, so the Čiurlionis-themed program will reflect this important anniversary for Lithuania – the concert will feature works by this Lithuanian genius: the symphonic poem "The Sea", M. K. Čiurlionis’ works for piano and orchestra arranged by V. Landsbergis, as well as compositions by Lithuanian composers – Eduardas Balsys, Zita Bružaitė, and others.

It has also become a tradition that every July 6th, on Statehood Day at 9 PM, we sing the National Anthem together with Lithuanians around the world, accompanied by the symphony orchestra!


The M. K. Čiurlionis School of Arts Symphony Orchestra was founded in 2002. It is the continuation of the famous string orchestra, established by the former professor Saulius Sondeckis, which won the prestigious H. von Karajan Competition. Since its founding, the symphony orchestra has been led by Maestro Martynas Staškus, a conductor at the National Opera and Ballet Theatre.

The orchestra's programs have been performed multiple times at the Vilnius National Philharmonic and other major venues, and their tour routes have reached international concert halls.

The XIII International M. K. Čiurlionis Music Festival is part of the "Čiurlionis 150" anniversary program.

The festival is organized by the public institution "Klasika LT".


By purchasing a ticket for the concert, you agree that the event may be photographed and/or filmed, and the visual material may be shared on the website, social media, or in the media by the public institution "Klasika LT".

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Nacionalinės M.K.Čiurlionio menų mokyklos simfoninis orkestras | ''Vainikas Čiurlioniui'' Su 06/07/2025 20:00 Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga 14.30 - 20.00
Event Nacionalinės M.K.Čiurlionio menų mokyklos simfoninis orkestras | ''Vainikas Čiurlioniui''
Date / Time Su 06/07/2025 20:00
Venue Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga
Price 14.30 - 20.00
Good to know
Perkant 10 ir daugiau bilietų galite kreiptis: vipklientai@bilietai.lt

Durys atidaromos: ~19:00
Renginio trukmė: ~1:30
Pertraukos: nėra
Renginio kalba: lietuvių
Vaikai įleidžiami nemokamai: iki 6 metų amžiaus imtinai, neužimant papildomos vietos (renginio vietoje pateikti amžių įrodantį dokumentą)
Amžiaus cenzas: N-5
- studentams, moksleiviams, senjorams ir asmenims su negalia 1 bilietui (kontrolės metu pateikti nuolaidą įrodantį dokumentą)
- su palangiškio kortele 1 bilietui (kontrolės metu pateikti nuolaidą įrodantį dokumentą)

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The ticket distributor is acting only as an independent agent and is not liable for refunds or damages. Refunds must be requested from the event organiser. For more information on ticket refunds, please refer to the "Consumer Policy" here.
Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė
Grafų Tiškevičių al. 1 Palanga Lithuania
Klasika LT, VšĮ
Šeimyniškių g. 42-20, Vilnius
apramogos@gmail.com / +37063970702
Reg. no: 302857888
Event Nacionalinės M.K.Čiurlionio menų mokyklos simfoninis orkestras | ''Vainikas Čiurlioniui''
Date / Time Su 06/07/2025 20:00
Venue Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga
Price 14.30 - 20.00
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