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Styginių kvartetas ''Mettis'' ir Liucilė Vilimaitė (arfa) | ''Čiurlionis ir Debussy''

We 09/07/2025 20:00
Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga
10.80 - 25.00

"Čiurlionis and Debussy" – a subtle musical journey where the string quartet "Mettis" and harpist Liucilė Vilimaitė will unveil the beauty of Lithuanian and European musical traditions.

The XIII International M. K. Čiurlionis Festival invites you to a unique opportunity to hear the combination of string quartet and harp sounds on one stage. The "Mettis" string quartet is one of the most prominent chamber music ensembles in Lithuania, a winner of international awards, while Liucilė Vilimaitė is one of the most talented young harpists, actively performing in prestigious European halls and festivals.

In the "Čiurlionis and Debussy" program, the audience is invited to dive into a deep emotional and cultural world. M. K. Čiurlionis' String Quartet reveals the profound Lithuanian spirit and the nation's creative heritage, while Claude Debussy's works – String Quartet in G minor, Op. 10, and "Danse sacrée et danse profane" – embody the lightness and refinement of French Impressionism. The program is complemented by Arnold Bax's Quintet for harp and string quartet, whose romantic expression and rich texture showcase the colors of British music.


Mikalojus Konstantinas ČIURLIONIS (1875–1911)

String Quartet in C minor, VL 83

Claude DEBUSSY (1862–1918)

String Quartet in G minor, Op. 10
"Danse sacrée et danse profane" for harp and strings

Arnold BAX(1883–1953)

Quintet for harp and strings, GP 214



"Mettis" String Quartet is one of the most prominent chamber music ensembles in Lithuania, formed in 2012 at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. Later, the quartet honed their skills at the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA), where they studied with the world's best pedagogues.

The quartet is a second-place laureate of the 8th International Bordeaux String Quartet Competition (France) and a winner of the 9th International V. E. Rimbotti String Quartet Competition (Italy).
"Mettis" has performed in prestigious venues such as Wigmore Hall (London), Konzerthaus (Berlin), Laeiszhalle (Hamburg), Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon), Washington Gallery of Arts (Washington, USA), Tel Aviv Museum of Art (Israel), YMCA (Jerusalem), Hotel Invalides (Paris), and participated in notable festivals such as Montpellier Radio France, Aix-en-Provence, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Luberon, Vilnius, and many others.

In 2015, the quartet released its first CD album. In 2017, "Mettis" toured China, and in 2018, they debuted in Israel, Panama, the USA, and Canada. In 2019, the quartet toured China and released a joint album with pianist Mūza Rubackytė, while in 2020, they presented a new CD featuring works by L. van Beethoven.

The quartet is known not only for its exceptional technique but also for its creative interpretation that blends tradition and innovation.

Lear more about the performers: www.mettisquartet.com

Liucilė U. Vilimaitė – harpist and composer, interested in unconventional approaches to music performance. She began her musical journey at the Vilnius Balys Dvarionas Music School and later studied at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, where she completed her master's degree in 2022.

Liucilė has performed in Lithuania and abroad, playing with the Klaipėda, St. Christopher, and Vilnius University Orchestras and taking part in concert tours in the Netherlands and with the South Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2021, she performed a new composition by Algirdas Martinaitis, and in 2023, she premiered Meredith Monk's work "Indra's Net" worldwide.

Liucilė is a laureate of numerous competitions, including three-time winner of the National B. Dvarionas Young Performers' Competition, and in 2013, she became the absolute winner of the International Music Competition in Italy. Between 2018–2019, her compositions were performed in Lithuania and the Netherlands. She also participated in the World Harp Congress and the Britten-Pears Young Artists and Composers Program.

In 2014, Liucilė received recognition from the President of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskaitė, for her musical achievements.

Lear more about the performer: www.liucilevilimaite.com

The XIII International M. K. Čiurlionis Music Festival is part of the anniversary program "Čiurlionis 150".

The festival is organized by the public institution "Klasika LT".


By purchasing a ticket to the concert, you agree that the event may be photographed and/or filmed, and the visual materials may be published on the "Klasika LT" website, social media, or in the media.

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Styginių kvartetas ''Mettis'' ir Liucilė Vilimaitė (arfa) | ''Čiurlionis ir Debussy'' We 09/07/2025 20:00 Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga 10.80 - 25.00
Event Styginių kvartetas ''Mettis'' ir Liucilė Vilimaitė (arfa) | ''Čiurlionis ir Debussy''
Date / Time We 09/07/2025 20:00
Venue Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga
Price 10.80 - 25.00
Good to know
Perkant 10 ir daugiau bilietų galite kreiptis: vipklientai@bilietai.lt

Durys atidaromos: ~19:00
Renginio trukmė: ~1:30
Pertraukos: nėra
Renginio kalba: lietuvių
Vaikai įleidžiami nemokamai: iki 6 metų amžiaus imtinai, neužimant papildomos vietos (renginio vietoje pateikti amžių įrodantį dokumentą)
Amžiaus cenzas: N-5
- studentams, moksleiviams, senjorams ir asmenims su negalia 1 bilietui (kontrolės metu pateikti nuolaidą įrodantį dokumentą)
- su palangiškio kortele 1 bilietui (kontrolės metu pateikti nuolaidą įrodantį dokumentą)

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The ticket distributor is acting only as an independent agent and is not liable for refunds or damages. Refunds must be requested from the event organiser. For more information on ticket refunds, please refer to the "Consumer Policy" here.
Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė
Grafų Tiškevičių al. 1 Palanga Lithuania
Klasika LT, VšĮ
Šeimyniškių g. 42-20, Vilnius
apramogos@gmail.com / +37063970702
Reg. no: 302857888
Event Styginių kvartetas ''Mettis'' ir Liucilė Vilimaitė (arfa) | ''Čiurlionis ir Debussy''
Date / Time We 09/07/2025 20:00
Venue Palangos Kurhauzo koncertų salė, Palanga
Price 10.80 - 25.00
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