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KAIME NĖRA WI-FI || Lėlių ir objektų spektaklis vaikams

Su 13/04/2025 12:00
Vilniaus teatras Lėlė, Vilnius
3.00 - 10.00
Puppet and object performance based on Danguolė KANDROTIENĖ’s Wardrobe Stories
This is the story about a little girl who when getting on to her grandparent’s attic discovers the entire world of old stuff, which is alive (and what is the most important!) having their own stories to tell. The moose’s head, grandpa’s bike, grandma’s high heels, and even a toilet: they all remind of the most important stories full of love, fashion trends or customs and traditions of that time… Those utensils left behind and forgotten can be in a bad mood, or they can laugh, crack jokes and proverbs, and lure to stop and think: is it true that unknown, recondite past is, according to the main character of the play, so boring?
"Performance tells a miraculous story about the old things in the attic who have begun to speak: the girl comes to the village with her parents and finds out there is no internet, and being angry with them, she gets on to the attic to clean it up, as there is nothing else to do in the village. Here, various old things come to life and start telling her their stories…”

Director: Šarūnas DATENIS
Dramaturg, adaptation author: Teklė KAVTARADZĖ
Dailininkas: Antanas DUBRA
Composer: Vytautas LEISTRUMAS
Light designer: Vytautas NOVICKAS
Video projection author: Tomas JOKŪBONIS
Choreographer: Sigita MIKALAUSKAITĖ


Karolis Algimantas BUTVIDAS





Events website: https://www.teatraslele.lt/irasas/spektakliai/vaikams/kaime-nera-wi-fi/

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
KAIME NĖRA WI-FI || Lėlių ir objektų spektaklis vaikams Su 13/04/2025 12:00 Vilniaus teatras Lėlė, Vilnius 3.00 - 10.00
Event KAIME NĖRA WI-FI || Lėlių ir objektų spektaklis vaikams
Date / Time Su 13/04/2025 12:00
Venue Vilniaus teatras Lėlė, Vilnius
Price 3.00 - 10.00
Good to know

For purchases of 10 or more tickets please contact: vipklientai@bilietai.lt 

On the day of the performance, be sure to check www.teatraslele.lt for any cancellations or postponements.

ATTENTION: Late arrivals will not be allowed to attend the performance.

Children under 14 years of age may only visit the Theatre with an adult who is responsible for their safety.

Doors open: 1 h before the start of the event
Event duration: 50 min.
Intermissions: none
Event language: Lithuanian
Children admitted free: no

Age limit: 5+ 

Discounts:  For wheelchair users: Up to 80% discount is available for designated seating areas.

For individuals with disabilities (holders of a disability certificate) and their accompanying persons: Up to 50% discount. (The documents will be verified during ticket control.)

For seniors: Up to 30% discount. (The documents will be verified during ticket control.)

The event organiser takes responsibility for the event and its quality. In the event of cancellation or postponement of the event, the organiser is responsible for deciding on the return of tickets and refunds and is liable for refunds and damages. Tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable (including non-attendance).
The ticket distributor is acting only as an independent agent and is not liable for refunds or damages. Refunds must be requested from the event organiser. For more information on ticket refunds, please refer to the "Consumer Policy" here.
Vilniaus teatras LĖLĖ
Arklių gatvė 5 Vilnius Lithuania
Vilniaus teatras LĖLĖ
Arklių g. 5, Vilnius
info@teatraslele.lt / 8 5 262 81 59
Reg. no: 190754264
Event KAIME NĖRA WI-FI || Lėlių ir objektų spektaklis vaikams
Date / Time Su 13/04/2025 12:00
Venue Vilniaus teatras Lėlė, Vilnius
Price 3.00 - 10.00
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