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We 31/07/2024 19:00
Birštono Kurhauzas, Birštonas
6.20 - 11.20
RESONATING HORIZONS: Nature and Humanity

Pianist Viktoras Orestas VAGUSEVIČIUS presents an exciting and innovative concert programme

"Resonating Horizons: Nature and Man". With this unique programme he aims to present and experience the interconnections between nature, human emotions and musical expression through carefully selected classical and contemporary piano works.

Part I: Embracing the Natural World

The concert will begin with an immersive and otherworldly experience with Tristan Murail's enchanting composition “La Mandragore” (1993). A pioneer of the spectralist movement, T. Murail seamlessly weaves together elements of nature and sound in this work, inviting listeners to embark on a sonic expedition through celestial soundscapes and organic harmonies. La Mandragore's sonic explora-ons will be like a doorway to the wonders of the natural world and will be the main theme of the concert. Although the composition was created with the natural and cosmic world in mind, it also includes imitations of the world close to man, such as the sounds of birds, animals and forests. After Murail's enchanting work, I will present one of Ludwig van Beethoven's late masterpieces, the Sonata Op 110. The music of Ludwig van Beethoven has always been a gateway to the human soul, and this sonata is no exception. This sonata is directly concerned with the depths of the human emotions, contrasting the cosmic realm explored in La Mandragore with the complex inner self. By juxtaposing Murail and Beethoven, listeners will witness the interplay between the outer and inner worlds, encouraging them to reflect on the interconnectedness between man and the natural universe.

Part II: Exploring inner landscapes

The second part of the concert will begin with John Cage's iconic composition “In a Landscape” (1948). A pioneer of experimental music, Cage's minimalist work will serve as a bridge between the contemplative nature of Murail's work and the emotional depth of Beethoven's sonata. Landscape embraces simplicity and tranquillity, inviting listeners to reflect on their inner self and the meaning of silence in the world of sound. This stillness will be like an invisible bridge or an island of concentration before the last piece of the concerto.


Finally, the concert will culminate with Robert Schumann's powerful and emotionally intense Symphonic Etudes op. 13. A testament to the resilience of the human spirit, Schumann's composition captures the essence of human self-expression, illustrating the complex tapestry of emotions we experience in our inner world. Presenting this work after a contemplative piece by Cage, the audience will be taken on an emotional journey, celebrating the complexity of human experience and the power of music to convey our deepest feelings.

Resona'ng Horizons: Nature and Man is more than just a concert; it is an experience that connects listeners to the wonders of nature, the depth of human emotion and the profound beauty of musical expression. The concert juxtaposes works from different eras and styles of music, bringing these disparate pieces together in a coherent and thought-provoking narrative.

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Event Date / Time Venue Price  
REZONUOJANTYS HORIZONTAI: Gamta ir Žmogus We 31/07/2024 19:00 Birštono Kurhauzas, Birštonas 6.20 - 11.20
Date / Time We 31/07/2024 19:00
Venue Birštono Kurhauzas, Birštonas
Price 6.20 - 11.20
Good to know

Durys atidaromos: ~18:30
Renginio trukmė: ~1:30
Pertraukos: nėra
Renginio kalba: lietuvių
Vaikai įleidžiami nemokamai: ne
Amžiaus cenzas: nėra
Nuolaidos: Su Birštoniečio bei POLO kortelėmis (renginio vietoje pateikti kortelę)

Norėdami įsigyti 10 ir daugiau bilietų galite kreiptis vipklientai@bilietai.lt

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Birštono Kurhauzas
B. Sruogos g. 2 Birštonas Lithuania
Lietuvos muzikų sąjunga
Gedimino pr. 32-2 Vilnius
info@muzikusajunga.lt / +37068614066
Reg. no: 190749274
VAT LT907492716
Date / Time We 31/07/2024 19:00
Venue Birštono Kurhauzas, Birštonas
Price 6.20 - 11.20
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