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Tu 31/12/2024 21:00 - We 01/01/2025 00:20
Kauno sporto halė, Kaunas
34.00 - 74.00
Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Sutikime 2025 metus LEGENDINĖJE KAUNO HALĖJE Tu 31/12/2024 21:00 Kauno sporto halė, Kaunas 34.00 - 74.00
Event Sutikime 2025 metus LEGENDINĖJE KAUNO HALĖJE
Date / Time Tu 31/12/2024 21:00
Venue Kauno sporto halė, Kaunas
Price 34.00 - 74.00
Good to know

Durys atidaromos: ~20:30
Renginio trukmė: ~3:20
Pertraukos: 2
Renginio kalba: lietuvių
Vaikai įleidžiami nemokamai: ne
Amžiaus cenzas: nėra
Nuolaidos: netaikomos


Norėdami įsigyti 10 ir daugiau bilietų galite kreiptis vipklientai@bilietai.lt

The event organiser takes responsibility for the event and its quality. In the event of cancellation or postponement of the event, the organiser is responsible for deciding on the return of tickets and refunds and is liable for refunds and damages. Tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable (including non-attendance).
The ticket distributor is acting only as an independent agent and is not liable for refunds or damages. Refunds must be requested from the event organiser. For more information on ticket refunds, please refer to the "Consumer Policy" here.
Kauno sporto halė
Perkūno al. 5, Kaunas Kaunas Lithuania
Renginių sala, VšĮ
Europos pr. 122 Kaunas
8 670 90776 / renginiusala@gmail.com
Reg. no: 302883281
Event Sutikime 2025 metus LEGENDINĖJE KAUNO HALĖJE
Date / Time Tu 31/12/2024 21:00
Venue Kauno sporto halė, Kaunas
Price 34.00 - 74.00
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